A review by tensy
Admission by Jean Hanff Korelitz


Frighteningly realistic depiction of Ivy league admissions, Princeton to be exact. This book knows its stuff when it comes to details about the admissions process. Korelitz tends to get overly descriptive, but the chapter headings which describe admissions essays are worth the price of the book if you have a kid applying to college. She tends to spend too much time describing the emotional context of the main character and I often had to put the book down or skim those pages. Nonetheless, she writes very well and thus keeps you coming back. As other reviews have mentioned this is a novel of both college admissions and a truth the character has to admit to herself. Frankly, the secret was fairly transparent early on in the book and I got frustrated with the character in how long it took her to realize it. The narrative arc was a bit too long. I would rate this a 3.5, but keep it at a 4 because of the strength of the writing.