A review by lavendermarch
Cast in Ruin by Michelle Sagara


Ahh! This book was so good! I LEARNED SO MUCH ABOUT DRAGONS! It was awesome! Second favorite in the series! These books get better and better! Also, Bellusdeo is my new favorite character that's not Kaylin. I'm glad this series supports strong female friendships, i.e. Teela, and now Bellusdeo. 5 stars. Oh, and also: I'm hating the love triangle. Kaylin needs to evaluate her choices, and choose someone, or make it clear she rejects both of them, because it's annoying. I'm Team Nightshade. Hopefully
Spoilergoing to the West March with him
in the next book will advance their relationship.

Reread May 5th, 2022
This was a joy to read. Bellusdeo is my new favorite dragon! Seriously, the dragons are one of the best parts of this series, not that the other magical races are to be underestimated. They just work for me, and it's so nice. Bellusdeo, in particular, is hilarious and I love her. Moving on from that, though, I just generally enjoyed the plot of this installment in the series. We return to Fief Tiamaris and end up learning quite a lot about the dragons, which is loads of fun and super interesting to boot. The meeting with the Emperor draws ever closer...

Anyway, there was a lot to love here - the plot once again has Kaylin traipsing around the city and interacting with lots of different people, just the way I like it. We see lots of characters I like. The world building is expanded on - and with the dragons, no less! Kaylin continues to use and somewhat better understand her powers. Not only that, the love triangle also gets addressed -
Spoilernot that it's a conclusive thing, but we get a pretty clear sense of how Kaylin feels and why there's a possibility the romance might not go anywhere at all, thanks to her trauma. Also, even if she moves past it, there's a strong sense that she prefers Severn, even if she's somewhat attracted to Nightshade, which makes me sad, even if I get it.

Overall, this was a great installment in the series, delivering everything that I'd expect from a Michelle Sagara book - well written, interesting, and utterly fantastic. 5 stars.