A review by torilovesheas
Anything but a Gentleman by Elisa Braden


Sebastian. Reaver. That is all. That’s the review.
Jk but seriously I loved this book so much.

Sebastian is a gambling hell owner and self proclaimed “rough sort” whose world gets tipped on its axis by Augusta Widmore, a country spinster just trying to save her sister’s reputation.

What’s so great about this is that we get two love stories: Augusta/Sebastian and Shaw/Phoebe!

Sebastian is gone for Augusta almost the second she offers to be his mistress. It’s so funny to see his letters from Lady Wallingham with advice on how to court a lady and then turning around and seeing Augusta notice all the things he’s been doing to win her over on Lady W’s advice. I thought it was so sweet! Augusta was such a strong heroine. She’s had to fight for her and her sister’s survival and it took a lot for her to shift some of that burden to Sebastian. This was more of a slow burn with a good bit of pining on both sides. Their romance was perfect! Passionate and all consuming.

Phoebe and Shaw’s friends to lovers journey was wonderful to see. When he tells her that her baby is his child too even though he’s not the father, I wanted to cry with Phoebe. It was just precious. I did like that realistically, he was worried about how society would treat them as a family, Shaw being half Indian and Phoebe being white. But I also loved that They loved each other enough to not throw it away on the opinions of others. They were so sweet and cute together.

I want a book about Sebastian and Augusta’s little adopted street urchin, Ash. Little dude was ready to kick Sebastian’s ass if he so much as looked at Augusta wrong. I loved him!!
