A review by omnibozo22
Coyote Waits by Tony Hillerman


It's a little frustrating that I'm reading these as I come across them in the used bookstores, rather than in order of publication. The relationships keep jumping around, rather than developing. That's OK. I could just get all the ones I haven't read and start filling in the spots... but I already have several sufficiently large stacks (real and virtual) of books waiting to be read. I'll just pick 'em up as I find 'em. Read them. Pass them on. (I am committed to keeping the number of hard copy books to a minimum. Tired of feeding the damn termites.
Oh, the book... another typical Hillerman. Lots of interesting cultural explanations contained in the story. I have a couple of Navaho friends on FB, and read their posts with an eye to spotting cultural references I've picked up from the Leaphorn/Chee series. OK, rarely do those friends post about skinwalkers or singing the Blessing Way. Doesn't matter at all.