A review by rwaringcrane
The Art of Imperfection: Simple Ways to Make Peace with Yourself by Veronique Vienne


Thoughtful photographs enliven gentle, rambling essays. Sparkling ideas and just right phrases tipped me with surprise just when I thought, "This is a comfy read."

'Make peace with yourself once and for all: Love is not a meritocracy."

"Forgive yourself. Soon, you will discover that self-acceptance and tolerance do not have to be hard work."

"Imagine a different world, one in which people do not spend an inordinate amount of energy fuming against their fate each time they make a mistake. A world in which one takes for granted that if things can go wrong, they probably will. It would be so civilized. Folks would bump into furniture, miss deadlines, get lost on the way to the airport, forget to return phone calls, and show up at parties a day early k without getting unduly annoyed with themselves."

A brief, and engaging "way to make peace with yourself." I've ordered a copy of my own.