A review by sufyazi
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


I’ll be honest. I picked up this book because I am a sucker for any premise that involves a magical library, and a mysterious librarian, no matter how hackneyed this is.

The book started strong. The prose is fine — direct and an easy read. Nothing too flowery or languid.

But then it dragged on. The main character, Nora, made me go from pitying her, to empathizing with her, to being frustrated with her. And then the writing turned into some kind of a cheesy motivational preaching halfway through, which I personally cannot stand, though Haig wrote them in with a careful consideration that didn’t make me want to stop reading.

I’m giving this 3 stars because what Haig wanted to do was executed decently. And he WAS clear as to what he wanted this book to be — a self-help manual for those struggling with depression and suicide. Some kind of an introspective device, a reality anchor or a hook someone who may need reminding that life is worth living.

It was hard for me to relate initially with the main character because upon reflection, I am somewhat happy with my life. But it is always nice to be reminded of life, and living life, I guess.

Verdict: A nice soft read for those of you who might need to get out of some depressive, self-sabotaging spiral, but might be a bit too clichéd for those who are not looking for the lesson in living life.