A review by coraline88
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness


''The Monster showed up just after midnight. As they do''. BEST WAY TO START A BOOK EVER. I thought this book was a masterpiece and it was simply filled to the brim with memorable quotes and I could feel the pain that Conor was going through and I was just enamored with the simple yet captivating writing style. The stories the monster told him seemed to be perfectly intertwined with the reality Conor was struggling with. What really made this book worthwhile was his character development, and when he was finally forced to tell the truth was the saddest moment in my opinion. When he said that in the nightmare, he let his mother fall so as so avoid any further suffering, the monster helps him and he finally confronts his mother's death. Also, I really recommend the movie, it was a faithful adaptation to it's source material and it succeeded in making me tear up, whilst in the book, I didn't really cry that much, but I still adored it!!!