A review by fr4nco
Redeemed by Lauren Asher

Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
I'm hating the dialogue, the premise is really silly, the adults act like dumb teenagers, the characters feel petty and detached from reality, seriously what kind of person goes to Italy on a waitress pay to look for her unknown father??? and then breaks into the property because thinks it's the only way, only to stumble into a hot rich dude and just... I'm sorry, I can't. 

I guess these are just classic Lauren Asher traits (like mommy and daddy issues, which are also present in this book), which is why I'm done trying with her, when's it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.

This year I'm allowing myself to dnf whenever I feel like the story isn't doing it for me instead of pushing through out of stubbornness or curiosity (which I don't even feel about this book).