A review by hmonkeyreads
Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier


I read this book because it came in my "read out of your comfort zone" box from Quarterly.com.

The writing got muddled for me a few times in this one but I think that's ok because it tended to mirror the main character's confusion about her place in life.

I thought it painted a full picture of the complexities of teenaged friendships, experimentation with alcohol, sex, drugs and the strangeness of realizing that your parents are fully realized people on top of being your parents.

I liked the glimpse into South Asian culture and the whole ABCD storyline.

My biggest complaint is that I think the characters are a bit too young. This takes place the summer between junior and senior year of high school and I think it all would have made more sense if it was between high school and college.