A review by jerefi
By Sea & Sky: An Esowon Story by Antoine Bandele


I wanted to love this book. I loved the premise, but the book didn't really deliver all that it could. I understand that this book is introducing a series, but I found myself skimming a lot to try and get to more interesting parts and there were few. The end of the book is nothing but a cliffhanger with no resolution of any kind to try and force you to read the next book. On some level I understand wanting to do this, but I have found that books that provide partial resolution as well as an unresolved hook to be better. Bottom line though is I never got invested enough in any of the characters with the way this book is written to actually care to waste my time reading the next book or any others to find out what actually happens.

Honestly it just made me want to go back and re-read The Lies of Locke Lamora again instead.