A review by ashurq
Sign Here by Claudia Lux


3.5/5 - The premise of this book was really interesting, but ultimately I’m not sure it lived up to its full potential. It was easy to read with its short chapters and I read it very fast. Some plot points were easy to guess, but some genuinely took me by surprise. Peyote was likable enough as a character, but I felt like there were many times he was just kind of spineless and it made it hard to root for him. I didn’t love the way his and Calamity’s plans/storylines tied together. It felt kind of random and I didn’t feel the impact I think I was supposed to. Overall, interesting and I found the last 50 pages especially to be surprising, but I don’t know that I’d widely recommend this one.

(On another note, I don’t understand the thing about drinking the water. Isn’t the coffee made from the water? The beers? I just don’t understand.)