A review by abkeuser
The Exodus Towers: The Dire Earth Cycle: Two by Jason M. Hough


This book is not for the faint of heart, and definitely don’t read it if you’re feeling overly empathetic. The first half is a bit of downer, and the second… doesn’t get much better. The external conflicts pile up and it really doesn’t look good for anyone involved. With a single exception the pacing is break-neck throughout, which may or may not be a good thing.

Well written, if a little verbose, the second book is on par with the first. It allows for expansion on the characters we got to know in book one, while introducing more and providing the reader with an added setting in which to let a host of horrible things happen. Sadly, it doesn’t always hit the mark. Samantha was a disappointment, her strengths seemed to fade and in the end I stopped caring about her. The others… I’ll have to wait and see how I feel about them in the third book.

As with the first in the series, this ends with a cliffhanger – but it is once again completely acceptable because of the rapid-fire release schedule of the books.