A review by alanbaxter
Dark Cities by Nathan Ballingrud, Amber Benson, Jonathan Maberry, Christopher Golden, Scott Smith, Ramsey Campbell, Kasey Lansdale, Simon R. Green, M.R. Carey, Cherie Priest, Helen Marshall, Tananarive Due, Paul Tremblay, Seanan McGuire, Joe R. Lansdale, Nick Cutter, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Tim Lebbon, Scott Sigler, Kealan Patrick Burke


This anthology plays with a great theme and has some cracking stories in it. Not all of them worked for me, a couple of real misses, though taste is arbitrary, of course. But the good ones are outstanding and make the cover price worthwhile. Standouts for me included stories by Nathan Ballingrud, Cherie Priest, Paul Tremblay and Christopher Golden. I'm always leery of an editor including a story in their own anthology, but Golden's is one of the best in this book. Dark, urban, gritty, noirish horror of every kind, I really enjoyed this book.