A review by wilde_book_garden
The Voice That Won the Vote: How One Woman's Words Made History by Elisa Boxer


4.5 stars

Don't mind me, just crying over a children's picture book again.

Beautifully illustrated and clearly told, this book tells the story of a vital milestone that I don't think I ever learned about in school.

In fact, it wasn't until I saw the excellent YouTube video by SoomoPublishing - viewable through other links like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co6qKVBciAw - inspired by Lady Gaga's Bad Romance (trust me: it works!) that I realized the decision to finally allow American women the right to suffrage quite literally came down to a single person's vote...and his brilliant mother.

An important reminder that every voice matters.

Highly recommended. And a quick note: as others have pointed out, while the illustrations are inclusive and indicative of the vital role Black women played in the women's suffrage movement, there isn't text specifically describing their contributions, though this may be due to the book's focus on one very specific event in women's history. As the book isn't attempting to be a complete overview of the movement, I didn't find this to be a dealbreaker, but do keep it in mind!