A review by books_with_tutusandsons
The Paris Orphan by Natasha Lester


4.5 / 5*

I generally tend to stay away from ww2 stories cause they break my heart, but I've heard so many great things about this author that I wanted to give it a try. And I wasn't wrong to - it has everything I love - a little bit of glamour lifestyle, a great story, amazing characters and overall wonderful writing.

This is a story about female reporters and photographers in the ww2 Europe. It is based on true story and some true characters and that's what I cherish the most. That I get to learn about things I didn't get to learn in school (it was more important to know all the dates of the German occupation of every European country), especially the stories about the fights women had to fight to be seen equal and worthy just as any man during that specific time.

Reading stories like these reminds me of all the brave and strong women that had the guts to fight back and stand for their beliefs. It reminds me that we can never take for granted the life we get to live now, to have the kind of life they have fought for. But it also shows me that it's not over and that there is still a lot to strive for. Cause there is a long path ahead of us, and it is on to us to make the world a better and a safer place for our daughters and granddaughters.