A review by flightyreads
White Desert Bloom by Maddi Ferrara

Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. 

I wanted to love this book. The cool semi-modern dystopian setting, mysterious enemies, and even the cover drew me in. However, I could not find myself attached to the characters or the world. I gave the book a fair shot, but at 100 pages/25% in, I find myself avoiding my eReader just so I don’t look at it. If a book cannot capture my attention at 100 pages of investment, I don’t want to spend more time trying to continue. 

The author clearly knows what they want their world to be like and the overarching character tropes they want to include. I think with further guidance, more development, and just more time, the book could be amazing. Specifically what I found hard to attach to was the main character’s grief for her brother.
He dies like 5 pages in. The reader does not care about him. We know nothing about him! The FMC needs more motivation than just his death, otherwise readers will not be able to feel with her.