A review by mbkarapcik
In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch


An essential ingredient of any beach book is a reunion of sorts, whether it’s friends, family or a combination of both. You also must present a major holiday or celebration at a memorable location like a resort or a trip back to the characters’ hometown. Another factor must be a varied set of characters that love each other but maybe lost their way to one another. I love reading books like this, and Allison Winn Scotch’s latest novel, In Twenty Years, does not disappoint. She mixes up the classic ingredients of a reunion with complex yet appealing characters, adding modern twists, leaving us with a satisfying tale we can relate to and characters we empathize with but without relying on tying up the loose ends in a perfect, satin bow.

Set against the backdrop of July 4th, five college friends meet up for a reunion at their former shared row home at the University of Pennsylvania, hoping to repair broken bonds and honor a fallen friend. Everyone bears secrets – from the happily-ever-after college couple made up of famed domestic goddess Catherine and her happy-go-lucky, stay-at-home husband Owen; to untamed rock star Lindy; to perfect housewife Annie; to heartbreaker Colin who all appear successful. Even Bea who tragically passed is adventurous and philosophical about life, acting as an anchor for the group. She instigates the reunion from beyond the grave, and we’re not sure of her intentions. At the reunion, secrets are revealed like Band-Aids ripped off to show scars, and past betrayals rear their ugly heads. Can this group of friends be saved or are they doomed?

Although I read some of Allison’s books before and even remember reading her work when she wrote for magazines, I really enjoyed this book even more and think it’s one of her best. (My other favorite book of hers is her very first novel, The Department of Lost and Found, which was inspired by the death of a close friend.) Since I live in the Philadelphia area, and my husband attended college in the same city, just like Allison, it’s fun to hear her describe the area around Penn and Philadelphia in general.

While I read the book, my own college memories filtered my thoughts and made me reflect on my own core group of friends. When you go to college far from your hometown and biological family, you tend to create your own surrogate family. Allison touches on that and offers an examination of relationships where characters fail each other and themselves, similar to people you know except on a grander scale. The characters try to relive their past and engage in typical college activities like partying but end up with very different results as adults, with liquor acting as a truth serum that causes emotions and tensions to rise and combust. You can’t go back to yesterday, but can you start again tomorrow and recover with new, stronger friendships intact?

The book starts off with a very fitting quote from the opening of recently deceased Prince’s smash hit, “Let’s Go Crazy,” like the opening notes for a movie soundtrack. It’s almost eerie now that it was used but appropriate. In Twenty Years also evokes a toast made by close friends – the closest thing to family you have – at a final gathering on the eve of graduation, so it’s a great title, and the cover depicts that clinking of glasses.

With each chapter focusing on a different character and their point of view, you learn about the characters very intimately. I prefer that Allison chose to leave the story open-ended instead of making a very obvious, idealistic ending because real life is more like that. Leaving the characters almost feels like leaving your own reunion of friends. Who knows? There’s always a chance for a sequel in about twenty years. So cheers! Here’s to In Twenty Years! May you read and enjoy!