A review by april_golden
The Stranger You Seek by Amanda Kyle Williams


I want to give this 3.5 or 3.75 stars. Why can't GR do half stars??? Come on now.

I did really enjoy this book, a first in a new thriller/mystery series featuring Keye Street, private detective. I was afraid I wasn't going to like her character going into it because she was billed as this tough, no-nonense "type" but her voice in the novel was well done and I bought it completely.

The only reason I'd give it less than four stars is due to the fact that there were some editing issues (for instance, one character's name changed from "Ray" to "Roy" then back to "Ray") and I felt like the author revealed her main red herring too early for my taste. I had my suspicions about who the killer was fairly early, and to a certain extent, I figured out what was going on. However, I was blown away by a reveal on the very last page that I did not see coming! Wow. I love it when that happens.

I will definitely read the next in this series when it's published.