A review by tanya_tate
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


Review and mild spoiler.  You can also with my review on myblog!

4 Stars!

I'm honestly glad I went back to this  and found the audiobook because the second half of the book was a freaking gut wrenching experience. It was a funny one but it was emotional as hell. To see Starr grow from her experience and learning how to use her voice was very emotional ride.  The only reason it's not getting a five stars cause I still feel like how I felt when I stopped it a couple months ago with the stereotyping of Blacks. I know this book intention was to bring the Black Culture, the neighborhoods, and the serious situation of Police killing unarmed Black men ( and women) to the forefront which I really think was the author's full attention, it kind of brings up the stereotypes that people think black people are anyway. Even tho the narrative did try to show the misconceptions of black people are false. Also some elements of the book felt like a Tyler Perry movie with the dramatics.. I swear the scene where the neighbor stood up to King felt like the ending of Daddy Little Girls when the neighbor told the judge they didn't see Idris Elba character beat up that gang leader.   All and All The book is probably going down a book that will be taught in schools about the BLM movement. It gives you an eye opening and powerful experience that people will need to understand the situation at hand with Police Brutality  . 

A Couple of things I have to address that I have seen in the review.

1.This book is not reverse racism - Nope It's not. This book is not racist against whites but can be prejudiced and stereotypical at best. It does shows the misconception  that black people along with white can have against each other and other races..  It does show how  you can rather stay in not knowledgeable about it and strew in your ignorance and hate or find out your conception of that person is wrong by getting know them and asking them.  So no I don't think Starr, her friends and family was racist against Chris cause they said some stereotypical things they heard about white people to him.. I'm so sorry that if white people felt like they were stereotyped in this book cause guess what?  If that boy didn't get stereotyped to be a thug which he wasn't and the other really life cases didn't either, their love ones wouldn't be burying them at a young age. So...

2. This book is not Anti-Police- This book is not saying that all cops are bad and should not be trusted. The narrative have said many times that they're cops just like Starr's Uncle who are good and do their job to serve and protect the people and the city they are in. This is about the ones who hide behind that badge who supposed to serve and protect but they carry out their racist and prejudice bullshit against Blacks and other minorities. It's about the corrupted cops and the corrupted system which keep letting these cops get away with killing unarmed Black men, women,and other minorities instead of going to jail. This is also about painting the cops as looking like the victim and painting the real victim as criminal. 

That's it!  I'm glad I finished this book and can't wait for the movie!

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