A review by eznark
This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for American Democracy by Jonathan Martin


This is an embarrassingly rosy look at Biden’s presidency to this point. The authors seemingly started with the thesis that Biden has been transformative and struggle to support their narrative. Ultimately they settle on hyperbolizing a mostly straightforward (while supersized) infrastructure bill to try and do the job. It is not convincing.

Additionally the authors repeatedly claim the Atlanta massage parlor shooter “targeted Asians.” There is no evidence supporting this claim of racial motivation.

Mostly this is a snooze fest telling us what we already know.
- McCarthy is a cowardly moron
- Kamala is just a moron
- Schumer is in way over his head
- Biden is suffering from cognitive deterioration
- Trump is shit

The most entertaining bits were the anecdotes about Biden and his staff trying to play identity Tetris with the cabinet and staff. I wonder how awkward it is to call yourself the next FDR to the Asian American caucus?