A review by hisham
Tooth And Claw by K.T. Davies


Following on soon after the events of book 1, Dangerous To Know - Breed is on the run. On the run from Breed's own conscience and inner demons, Breed's past actions and an ACTUAL Demon!

Haunted by ghosts feom the past, Breed must make a journey that none have made before, crossing continents and worlds.

This book is all about the transition from the Breed we all came to know and love in the first book - to the Breed that will be needed to save worlds.

There's a whole lot of expansion upon the world building here - and a lot of character development of Breed.

I'm looking forward to seeing what new worlds and adventures Breed will embark upon in further installments of the series - and hearing what imaginative new curses and language Breed will bless those worlds and peoples with! 😆