A review by knit3314
47 by Walter Mosley


Walter Mosley has a book on my favorites list which I try to keep short on purpose. So when I saw this slavery era mixed with sci-fy description and saw the reviews I couldn’t pass it up. And the Audible was read by none other than Ossie Davis. Need I say more. He gave such life to each character in this short novel by Mosley. It’s hard to believe many will only read this and it will be great but they will miss out significantly on the special one of a kind narrator. And believe me ‘47’ is more realistic as Ozzie breathes life into every word.
This book is a mix of spirituality, right and wrong, good vs evil, and points out by employing alien beings just how simple the truth is about slavery, stereotypes, racism, and faith and trust in others. Another very prominent and appropriate theme and wisdom throughout the book was the fact that we are not what others call us or say we are, and until we refuse their labels we cannot be free. Freedom isn’t just being out of chains.
I really hope Mosley pens a sequel to ‘47’. Is certainly read it.