A review by mehsi
Heart and Brain: Gut Instincts by Nick Seluk


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I follow this artist on Twitter, and I just heart his comics. Some are just pure brilliance, others make me laugh aloud.

The comics are about the organs (in what I am guessing is the artist's body), from going to the doctor and fooling the heart, to what happens when you eat something wrong (I laughed so hard about that one). I do have to say that I generally liked the ones without the brain more, or the ones in which the brain wasn't talking in overload. I know the series is Heart and Brain, and I do love heart, he is just so funny and hilarious. A typical heart, never thinking, and often just jumping into things without regard of the brain.

The most gruesome comic? One that I also know from online, the one with with nails and the teeth and the modification. *shivers* That was just a bit too much for me.

We also see the artist (Awkwardyeti) himself and then see how the brain or other organs are tricking him. (Like when you wake up for toilet because your bladder thought 4 am was a perfect time, well then the brain also wakes and it wants to do all sorts of things, have fun sleeping again! Or when you want to impress someone, and your brain just conveniently forgets everything!)

The art is pretty awesome, though I mostly tend to come because of the awesome, spot-on comics.

There are also several new comics, which is great, I do like it when I see something new in a comic bundle. Not only online stuff, but new or unpublished stuff as well.

Would I recommend this book? Oh yes I would!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com