A review by eesh25
The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan


3.5 Stars

I'm at a point where I feel like I shouldn't continue the series. I mean, this is supposed to be one of the best books and I'm just not feeling it. The pacing, for one, just isn't working for me. The first couple hundred pages were really hard to get through. Things did pick up after that but not enough and not consistently.

The saving grace was the world building. I loved learning about the Aiel. It was easily the best part, helped by the fact that Rand is finally back in the series after he was barely in the last one. Nynaeve's story was meh. There were a couple of good moments, though, and one awesome scene. Perrin's arc I mostly liked. I'd have sped it up a bit, but the main issue was that it included Faile, who I don't like, but I'll get back to that. Let's go though some of the important characters.

Rand: Seems to be growing as a person (finally!) and is no longer annoying.
Nynaeve: Would like her so much more if she could stop being angry about everything, and maybe try to learn. Her characters, I feel, is progressing too slowly.
Egwene: I often forgot she was even in the book, and that was fine because I don't care about her.
Mat: Still annoying but shows potential?
Moiraine and Lan: Did not play a huge role.
Elayne: A character I can see myself liking, with some time and maturity.
Aviendha: The whole "you belong to Elayne" thing pissed me off. Hated her, then didn't. We'll see what future books show of her.
Perrin: He's fine.
Faile: I'd like her to drop dead. Not as much as I wanted it in the last book, but the wish has yet to go away.
Aes Sedai: I trust none of you, mainly because you keep trying to control people.
Lanfear: Ew

And finally, a special shoutout to the Children of the Light! May you all die horrible deaths.

With all that out of the way, the last few things that bothered me:
1. What's with the folding arms under breasts thing? It's weird and unnecessary.

2. How does Nynaeve have any hair left on her head with how much she pulls on it?

3. And why are all the female characters constantly angry. Especially at men. Being mad at men and calling them names seems to be half the personality of the women in this series, and it's really annoying. And the way they "handle" men, with anger or manipulation, sucks. Even more so because it's supposed to be the right way to handle men. Like, maybe try some rationality and sympathy instead or yelling about everything. The quick-to-anger thing is an issue with the male characters too, but way worse with the women.

In the end, I have mixed feelings. I liked the ending though, and it made me want to read the next book, but really, the main thing keeping me going is my trust in Sanderson.