A review by jennyanydots
Winter Games by Rachel Johnson


An interesting premise - travel writer Frannie goes to do a piece from a ski resort in Germany, only to discover a photo of her grandmother as a young woman, with Hitler. It turns out that her grandmother, Daphne, has been sent over to Germany in 1936 to improve her German, and visited the winter olympics. Frannie starts trying to research the details for a book, and the story interweaves between modern day and Daphne back in the 1930s. Which would have been fine, except that the author also felt the need to make Frannie "interesting" by creating a complicated love life that introdued 2-dimensional characters and completely predictable entanglements, and I was much more interested in Daphne's story. So 50% of the book was good, 50% was less so. I could have lived with a lot less of Frannie and her woes.