A review by jmanchester0
Superman, Volume 1: Before Truth by Gene Luen Yang


I like Gene Luen Yang. But I picked this up because I thought it was the first part of a story - not the middle of the story I wasn‰ЫЄt aware of.

I‰ЫЄm confused. If this collects Superman #40-44, why is it called volume 1?

I thought it was a prequel to Superman: Truth. Maybe it is. But is it part of the continuing story?? I'm so confused!

It doesn't help that everyone is acting all weird like they don't really know each other. Is this still part of the New 52 reboot? I'm so confused!

But getting past all that, the story was interesting. The writing was good. Superman dealing with losing powers and with new powers. A new digital supervillain. Some good old villains. Lois spilling secrets. I'll probably keep reading. But I'm going to have to get the story straight.

I think that it would have really helped if there was a paragraph of ‰ЫПPreviously in Superman‰Ы_‰Ыќ I think I would have been able to follow the story a lot better.

Thanks to NetGalley and DC Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.