A review by weaverofbooks
131 Method: Your Personalized Nutrition Solution to Boost Metabolism, Restore Gut Health, and Lose Weight by Chalene Johnson


I was lucky enough to be sent an advance copy of this book.

Firstly this is not a diet book. This book focuses on health with scientific facts and studies that focus on gut health and how there is no “one size fits all diet”.
This book teaches you about your gut health and how you can change it.

Chalene personally talks about her own story as to how and why the 131 Method works. She also describes the science parts in a way that is so easy to understand and it’s so informative.

Since taking part with this book. I have never felt better! My IBS didn’t rear its ugly head and I am so pleased! I don’t feel ‘fluffy’ and bloated. I have more energy!
( I work, exercise and run around after a toddler ) and my brain fog has disappeared.

The recipes look beautiful and yummy.

This book can help anyone!

And will change your life!