A review by blueceliac314
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou


Carreyrou's book is the most fiction-like non-fiction book I have read. The pile of lies and deceit gradually builds up across the events of Theranos and then switches to Carreyrou's perspective as an investigative journalist, making the book fast-paced.

I recently read "The Cult of We" about Wework and Adam Neumann and Holmes shares many common features with Neumann: charismatic with an ability to sell, but a poor receptor of critical feedback. This gave Theranos large amounts of funding, an impressive board of directors, and contracts lined up, making it seem like a promising company. Just like a stock market that builds up, the piles of lies about their devices eventually bursts as deadlines, regulators, journalists, and ex-employees start to pressure the company.

It was shocking to what lengths Holmes and Balwani went for secrecy and squashing any potentially negative information by sending teams of lawyers against ex-employees, doctors, and even patients.

It was equally shocking that they attempted to release their broken products and give patients completely incorrect false medical information. The difference between Holmes and Neumann is that Holmes failed to build her product and harmed far more people in the process. It is unfortunate that regulators took so long to step in.