A review by adw7984
French Lessons by Ellen Sussman


This book sure had quite a lot of adultery in it, fun! We started off with Nico and Josie, these two were my favorite story. Josie was grieving the loss of her married lover and Nico was helping her get through the process. I liked the way this section flowed, it moved quickly and the flashbacks were scattered through nicely.

Riley and Phillipe were the second section, and I thought Phillipe was so sketchy and gross. Why would Riley go back to his place! She was married with two children, yet we never really got to meet her husband. Her story was very quick and very underwhelming.

Jeremy and Chantal did not make any sort of move on their feelings, even though it seems they both wanted too. I thought his daughter was very perceptive, which might have come off as bratty, but overall it was a good thing.

I thought each section was a little underdeveloped. I didn't really get a sense of what was going to happen to these people after the day was done. I also didn't know who I should be rooting for. So I have mixed feelings on this book. It was a nice, enjoyable summer book but at the same time it was a bit frustrating!

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic...All thoughts and opinions are my own.