A review by somarostam
Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia


I was a HUGE fan of the authors' series, Beautiful Creatures. I loved everything about it. The mythology, the world-building, the characters. So, excited would be an understatement to my feelings when I found out that they have a new series out.
Ridley and Link are separated from their friends in their hometown of Gatlin. Now, they're in New York. And Link is trying to make a name for himself in the music world. But what he doesn't know is that his gig of a lifetime was actually a payback from Ridley. Because, once, some time ago, Ridley lost a lot to a stupid game. And now, it's payback time.
In this series, we have two old characters from the previous series as the main characters, Ridley and Link. I really loved Link in BC, he was adorable and sweet and sarcastic. I was so happy that the authors decided to write from their point of view. Since, exploring their minds was a whole lot of fun.
Then, there's the world-building. As always, Margaret and Kami did an excellent job. They've created a whole new Caster world within the dark alleys of New York. It's beautiful and unpredictable and vivid. They've come back with a lyrical, realistic writing style that's even better than their previous series!
There's also the romance. Link and Ridely are already together but their relationship is really complicated. Then, there's Lennox. Which immediately became my favorite characters. He's charming, alluring, kind, and swoon-worthy. I couldn't imagine anyone better for a potential love triangle. I cannot wait to know where the authors are taking the love interests.
The ending is by far my favorite part of this book. But it is torture! It ends on such a wild, wild note and so UNEXPECTED. I cannot believe that they ended the book like that. Even though it's been almost a month since i have read this, it's still clear in my mind. And the days of waiting for the next book to come out, will be the most tortured days of my life. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl have managed to create a new masterpiece with bits from the already-fascinating world that they created before.