A review by jadeeby
Alive by Megan D. Martin


Review will be cross posted on my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

I have to say, I'm super glad my chance virtual meeting with Megan happened because not only is she fan-freaking-tastic, this girl has some major writing skills. I knew from the blurb that I wanted to read this one because, hello?? Zombies, Post-apocalyptic world, gritty. Totally my kind of thing. This story is about more than just zombies, it's about overcoming the obstacles of a ravaged, broken world, dealing with your past and trying to make it to the future.

I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic worlds -- especially when it comes to zombies! Walking Dead junkie right here. Megan does a fabulous job of setting up the world of zombies but adding in fresh, unique twists. It's all in the little details that make "The Crave" seem so realistic. And the characters! While all the major characters made me SO angry at certain points, I have to say, I felt like Megan really created depth to her characters. Main character, Eve, has not had a good life in the before but life is especially hard on her own with the world of zombies. Until she meets Gage -- the only guy to break her heart. Confronted with her past and her lingering feelings, they struggle to make it to Eden unscathed from the zombie -- and each other. I really enjoyed seeing their relationship progress, especially with the before sections that give insight to their earlier relationship. And Eve's sister, Olive. I've never wanted to "cut a bitch" as much as I wanted to with her character. She made me SO MAD. I think that was Megan's goal -- so kudos.

One would think that a zombie filled world, where survival is at the forefront of everyone's mind, that sex wouldn't be a priority. (Walking Dead proved that incorrect). Who knew zombies gets people so hot and bothered? The sex scenes in this book are HOT. HOT. HOT. Which is something I never thought I'd say about a zombie book! Megan has some sex writing skills, I'll tell you that much.

This was one of those novels that just had me turning the pages incessantly. I wanted to know what came next so much that I couldn't book this book down.

The only thing I wish I could have seen more of was Olive's voice earlier in the story. She's actually getting her own book, which is great because I want to know how she became such a bitch but if I'd just had a *little* bit more of her in the beginning, I might have understood her more.

If you LOVE zombies and you LOVE steamy sex scenes -- this is the book for you!