A review by theamyleblanc
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Representation is important. We live in a time when that is a hot topic, particularly in visual entertainment, but it's equally important in literature. And it isn't something that's as talked about, which is a shame.

This isn't the happiest of stories. Children have cancer, teenagers are battling their addictions, dreams are irrevocably altered. But it is a heartwarming story all the same. We get to see Davis fight his addiction on a daily basis. We get to see Cason through her whole cancer journey and all the ups and downs that come with that. We get to see the friendships that are forged in the fire of shared experience. We get to see Mari in all her loud, vibrant glory!

I didn't get as emotionally pulled into the story as much as I have others but I was cheering them on all the same. And I applaud Kati for filling that void she found. It makes me sad that she had to do that but it's a huge step towards greater representation.

I would absolutely recommend this book!