A review by graphicjgray
Deadly Embrace by Natalia Prim


Our story follows Maryn, a siren, who is treated horribly by those in her world, and Alec, a warlock, who isn’t treated horribly but he’s not the towns favorite person. This is a very quick read but I really enjoyed it.

Maryn is in love with Alec long before she meets him, having watched him from afar. When he comes down and calls for her she cautiously approaches and the two start to see each other often with him teaching her about his world. She is not happy in her kingdom and is abused often by her father the King, and his guards. Even the one person she considers a friend ends up betraying her in the end.

Alec is intrigued by Maryn also long before meeting her. His one big worry is that she may lose interest in him once she sees what he does with the otherworldly creatures he finds. She finds strength in his love and when they get together it’s them against the world.

I really enjoyed seeing Maryn embrace her power so that she can show Alec she knows what it will take to be with him and seeing him do everything he can to protect her and make her his. Their love is twisted and dark but perfect for them!

These two have plenty of steamy moments that flow perfectly with the story

There is artwork at the start of each chapter and each one is beautiful and sometimes a little creepy but the art adds to the story.