A review by ptaradactyl
The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot by Jenny Kennedy, Yolande Strengers


I found the exploration of robot types and enlightening and interesting. Generally, I appreciated the more descriptive and analytical sections but struggled when the authors got more prescriptive on recommendations for the future.

It definitely made me think about my own attitude toward systems like Siri and Alexa- I don’t use either because I am uncomfortable with the surveillance aspects, but I’m still bothered at the idea of talking to them like people. If I wouldn’t thank the command line for executing a command, should I thank an audio GUI?

Ultimately, I don’t know how I feel about their arguments around Queering smart assistants because Queering theory isn’t my lens or field. I don’t know if I’m informed enough on it to discuss their perspective. I felt my attention wandering there, but that is again a reflection of my interests more than the author’s arguments.