A review by rashthedoctor
Suicide Squad, Volume 2: Basilisk Rising by Adam Glass


So i did say i'd review All Suicide Squad New 52 volumes and here's me doing the Volume 2 review

to be honest the book had many good things going for it and on another day i might have rated it 4 star or more , sadly that's not the case as with all the good that this volume did there was a fair bit rubbish in there too .

The story follows after the event of
Spoiler Deadshot shooting Harley and foiling her effort to betray the team
Amanda decides to send the team to a new mission while we see a background group of terror outfit are planning on killing Amanda walker and hence planting a mole within the suicide squad , which leads to the group being distrustful of each other and being sent on a 2nd mission

So What i liked was obviously the action which was nicely drawn and the overall plot of a mole within the squad was also a nice touch , keeping the mystery angle fresh in the story and making the readers guess , meanwhile This particular book was also reliant on the whole squad and not just the key trio of Deadshot , Harley and Boomrang . More pages were spent on the likes of El Diablo and Killer Shark and those were really enjoyable .

What i Didn't like however were first the inconsistent art panels , on some panels the art looks absolutely beautiful while on the others they look weird with the characters portrayed showing expressions not matching the ongoing plot . Meanwhile the arc had a lot less Harley quinn meaning the already dark story of Squad turned more darker and there was absolutely no light moments , similarly one of the biggest strength of Suicide squad is it's characters and their respective backgrounds alas absolutely no pages were spent in trying to explore any character details .

The whole mystery in the plot also became obvious from the page one
Spoiler i mean if you have to show a mole who is of african descent than atleast put a few African squad member instead of just one the obvious mole African member
the final battle also seemed bizzare as events just kept happening with no reason at all , the finale felt rushed and there was a whole angle that i think DC could have explored with Amanda and her grandmother but that never happened and after it ended the way it did , the whole introduction of her grandmother felt needless .

Overall it was a fairly average issue and it could have been better had some obvious errors not been done , there were certain angles explored in this edition that might have impact on the series in the future and that will be anticipated well