A review by kimmylovestoread
In The Dark by Monica Murphy


I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

As soon as I finished Fair Game I couldn't wait to read the rest of the series. Shep's friends gave him so much grief for falling in love, so I was looking forward to Gabe and Tristan meeting the same fate.

While sunbathing one day Lucy noticed Gabe watching her, so she let him watch. For weeks. Gabe eventually gets up the courage to actually talk to Lucy and he talks her into hanging out. Gabe goes to her place after being out to dinner with his parents. Unfortunately for him, he had a few too many drinks at dinner and ends up making a TERRIBLE first impression. I won't tell you what happens because it is actually quite funny, but this is part of the fall out.
“Let me make it up to you,” I toss out as a last bid. She comes closer to me, her hand shooting out to touch my chest. Hope lights me up but then—she just gives me a hard shove and I stumble out of the pool house backwards.

Damn, the girl is strong.

“No,” she says as she pulls the pool house door shut behind her.

“I’ll take you out tomorrow. Dinner, a movie, whatever you want to do.” Hell, I’ll make her dinner and the only thing I know how to cook is a grilled cheese sandwich and a quesadilla, which is pretty much one and the same.

She shakes her head—very firmly. “No thanks.”

“Let’s go hang out at the beach tomorrow afternoon. Soak up the sun, walk in the waves.” I sound like a cheesy asshole and I’m pleading. Oh, shit. I never plead, not with chicks. I never have to.

“I don’t think so.” Did she waver? Nah, she didn’t waver. This chick is tough as nails. Passionate as all get out with a body sexy enough to make my head spin just looking at her.

And she hates me, because I somehow fell asleep mid-kiss.

I’m a complete idiot. If the guys ever find out about this, I’m screwed.

Clearing my throat, I make one more attempt. “Lucy…”

She holds her arm out, indicating I need to get away from her pronto.

“See you later Gabe.”
Nodding once, and with my proverbial tail between my legs like a chastised puppy dog, I leave her place and head back to mine.
So as you can see, Lucy is not going to make things easy for Gabe. He has to work to make Lucy give him another chance and thankfully she does. That second chance goes extremely well and the two end up spending a lot of the summer together. What Gabe doesn't know is that Lucy is keeping a very big secret from him. She is not the girl he thinks she is, but she figures that keeping the truth from him for the summer won't be a problem. But when the two of them cross paths at college, things get complicated. I kept waiting for the truth to come out and it happened in a way that I wasn't expecting.

I love how hard Gabe fell for Lucy. Gabe had everything handed to him from the minute he was born, so I liked the fact that he had to work to get Lucy. He knew that she was special and it did not take long to realize that she was the one for him. On multiple occasion Gabe tried to forget about Lucy, but he just couldn't do it. He was determined to make Lucy a permanent fixture in his life.

I LOVED Lucy. She was this beautiful, headstrong, funny, women and I knew as soon as she met Gabe, he had met his match. Unlike Gabe, she had to work extra hard for everything in her life. She wasn't necessarily ashamed of where she came from, but she was worried that Gabe would look down on her. I think at some point she realized Gabe wouldn't care, but she was in too deep at that point.

Gabe and Lucy were HOT together. Their chemistry was off the charts and it didn't take long for either of them to fall for the other person. He genuinely cared for her and when things went a bit south I was proud of the way he handled things.

So two down, one to go! The final book in this series will be Tristan's story. Let's just say that I am not happy with that man and I hope that he has to work extra hard to get the girl. Like really, really hard. And it will take a lot for me to like him again.