A review by storiedconversation
Colton 911: Family Defender by Tara Taylor Quinn


Y'all know how much I love the Coltons! Now we a different set of them with all new mysteries to figure out. Riley Colton is an ex-FBI agent who is now a PI with his siblings. While working a new case he comes face to face with Charlize who he had a one night stand with. She fell in love with Riley right away but he walked away after their one night never to be heard from.

Three months after their one night stand Charlize is walking home when she is attacked. As a social worker she has plenty of people who would want to hurt her. Riley is going to have to protect her and their unborn child that their one night created. On top of that he is trying to figure out who Capital X is and what they want with his foster brother, Brody.

As with the previous Colton series we are left with the mystery of who is Capital X and if Brody is alright. Also these are Harlequins so they can be a little tame at moments. There are things that happen in Harlequins that I swear other authors would have knifed a hero for at times. Like Riley is a real jerk for a good portion of the book then it gets works out rather quickly. That is just the way it happens in these books sometimes.

As always this is a great story and I will be checking out the rest of the series to figure out the mystery of it all.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
This review was originally posted on Wickedly Romance