A review by verafran
São Bernardo by Graciliano Ramos


Posted a longer review on my blog. You can check it here.

Here's an except:

I have an interesting story/relationship with this book. The first time I was supposed to read it, I was in 9th grade and I had to read it for the finals. It took me too long to get the book which left me with little time to read it. As a result, I read until the middle, then skipped to the last few pages. I got a grade good enough to pass the class, but that was it.


Here's how much I love this book: I've read it three times, once in high school, once for myself, and once for college. Not only that, but my college monograph was a comparative study between this book and another brazilian classic, [b:Dom Casmurro|82888|Dom Casmurro|Machado de Assis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348286455s/82888.jpg|1889484]. That's how much I love this book.

(Oh, I've got an A on the monograph, by the way).