A review by elliemcc11
The Sudden Departure of the Frasers by Louise Candlish

Did not finish book.


This was a perfect holiday read, probably best classed as women's fiction. There wasn't a romance read so much, rather it was an exploration of relationships and truths.

Neither of the main characters were particularly likable, and both were flawed. The story was told by their alternatively viewpoints - one character in the present, the other in the past. The basic plot was that a couple with not a lot of cash get lucky and buy an amazing house on an amazing street for a knockdown price. Of course they begin to question why. It becomes clear that the other people on the street are a little guarded and are not quite telling the truth about some mystery that has happened recently. The Frasers of the title were a rich couple who had renovated the house and then disappeared in mysterious circumstances. This is not a whodunnit though, there's no blood on the carpet or murders to solve. This is a story of manipulation, lies, half-truths, and betrayal.

I would read other books by the author and thank the publisher and Netgalley for this review copy.