A review by bookbriefs
Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro


This book sent me on an emotional roller coaster ride! It started out so interest. I loved the concept of her being a half angel demon fighter! And things were building up so nicely. I liked all the characters, the plot was moving at a good speed- I was a happy girl. Then, right about half way through the book Paige Cuccaro did something that ripped my heart out! I was so crushed, and I thought for sure that something would miraculously happen later on to fix this incident. So I kept reading, partly because I was so invested in the characters and partly because I wanted her to undo what she had done. Now I'm not going to tell you what happened or how the book ended, but I will tell you this: read Hellsbane and finish it through to the end because I was so glad that I did! I really enjoyed this book, and while I am still not quite over the heartbreaking parts, the story line and the characters make up for it. I have to know what is going to happen next. I have to know more about Emma Jane. So much was hinted at and I want to know what it all means.

Emma Jane is a really cool character. You know she has all this power, but I really liked that she didn't just pick it all up over night like a natural. She needed help killing demons for a while and there were people there to watch her back. I like that she didn't just pick up a sword and go at it like a pro. She had to work for it. And I also like that there is still so much that we don't know about her. I can't wait to find out what other secrets Emma Jane has! Bring on book 2 please!!

Another thing, Emma has potential guys galore. Seriously, they are everywhere she goes, and I'm not sure who I like best with her. Eli is so mysterious and hot, but he is an angel so I'm not sure I would want that for him. And then the other guys have issues too. I can't wait to see what is going to develop on the love front for our pretty little Emma Jane.

So what is my final take on Hellsbane? Were there things I would have changed about the book? YES! Well, maybe only one thing. (and it might have something to do with a certain wanna be pitcher...) But I really, really liked this book! I love how everything was described, I love the character development, I love the writing, and I love Emma's last name! Overall, Hellsbane is a well written book with an awesome plot and characters that seemed so real. I thoroughly enjoyed it!