A review by lilmatt050
And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss


I recently found out that they found an original Dr. Seuss book that hasn't been published and for some reason I got really excited learning that there is a new book that you can add to your or your children's book collection. I was introduced to Dr. Seuss I believe when I was in Kindergarten and I loved the stories and the funny rhymes that Dr. Seuss used to creative these imaginative stories. Sadly by the time I was in 2nd grade, Dr. Seuss became nonexistent in my life and was discouraged to read for school because it was meant for younger kids.

I can count in one hand how many Dr. Seuss books I've read and I believe that is pathetic that I haven't read more books especially for a very inventive and creative author of children books. I've seen the television specials, the movie adaptations, and even the few tv shows and I believe now that they are releasing a new book that I should now take the time and read every single Dr. Seuss book known to man and support my local library.

I decided to read his books in chronological order as each shipment of books arrives to the library and I am glad that I received the first children book he had written. It was short and sweet and yet creative in illustrating how everything is exaggerated in the eyes of a child. Children with their imagination and innocence goes wild when it comes to being creative and I love how Dr. Seuss is able to capture this in this book.

And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street deals with a boy named Marco who walks to and from school on his own, and every day his father asks him what did he witness along the journey. He always like to exaggerate and his father gets mad and tells him that he needs to stop and tell the truth. Then one day he sees a wagon and horse cruising by Mulberry Street and his imagination goes wild. His daydreaming fantasies start as small but as the story goes along it gets bigger and bigger until theres no room to go any further. Its crazy to believe that this could actually happen in real life and sure enough when Marco arrives home to tell his dad about what he witness on Mulberry Street, he decides to tell the truth which simply he saw a horse and on wagon.

For his first book I believe it is brilliant and new favorite of mine and for those who are new to Dr. Seuss, I believe it gives you a tiny sneak peak towards what is to come in this fantastic fantasy world of Dr. Seuss.

P.S. If you want to read more adventures with Marco then you should check out McElligot's Pool