A review by the_evergrowing_library
Snow by Ronald Malfi


Upon being halted by the weather Todd and Kate decide to hire a car and make their journey on the road, alongside Fred and Nan, an older couple happy to share the journey. Things quickly go awry when Todd swerves to avoid a man in the road, damaging their car and leaving them no choice but to head to the nearest town on foot.

The story quickly starts to unfold from there and we are thrown into what feels like an old school horror story.
I love survival horror and it’s something that I really appreciate for the tension and dread it brings with it.

I don’t want to detail too much of the plot as I think you would benefit going in a little blind on this one. While the formula for the book wasn’t anything groundbreaking, I did enjoy it and thought the monsters were fairly original in this one.

My biggest problem with Snow, was that while the writing was good, and while I love a descriptive read….Malfi packed this with far too many ridiculous similes. It became like a drinking game with how many times I sat going “what?”
With things like: ‘The pain was like a thousand holocausts.’(bit dramatic for a leg wound) ‘Tully's eyes shook like the last two gumballs in a gumball machine.’(excuse me?) ‘the skies unmarred by clouds and about as blue as newborn baby's dreams of the womb.’(you’ve lost me.), it got a bit silly.

Overall I liked it, but Malfi definitely moved in leaps and bounds with later writing