A review by theillegiblevirgo
Bluest Nude by Ama Codjoe


the epigraph that opens the book is a beautiful encapsulation of what i believe ama’s process to get to this moment, these poems was.
“to name ourselves rather than be named we must first see ourselves…. so long unmirrored in our true selves we may have forgotten how we look.” - lorraine o’grady

every poem is such a beautiful excavation that encourages my own excavation. it’s the type of work that pulls from your center things you haven’t been able to put to paper. the type of poetry that makes you want to live between each letter, encircling the words, and zig zagging between the punctuation. it makes you want to interrogate why you think what you think and make space for things yet to be considered. the possibility of existence and expansion is incredibly present here.