A review by dyno8426
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino


When David Mitchell (the author of Cloud Atlas) says that this book is "breathtakingly inventive", one better believe so; and so I did. Appropriately fulfilling this for me, it has joined those books whose creative force with story-telling is outstanding and imaginative journey so vast that its impression is indelible. This also being a book about books, having self-referential nature wittily swept into the story with ease and not in a trying-too-hard manner, and on top of it, having a collection of ten incomplete stories-within-this-story is more than what all expectations one book could promise.

At the heart of the story is the relationship between Reader and Writer - the you/me and the author telling this story. How both writing and reading is an individual activity which essentially happens alone and consequently, has no definition or meaning without the notion of self or having independence from personal factors. There is a dichotomy of truth and falsity in fiction. While a Writer tries to give us a fragment of truth, which the limitation of expression and language, effectively negates it. On top of it, Reader's expectations, personal preferences and subjective interpretation further distance the Writer's intentions from the eventual meaning which us Readers derive from books. The question which the author puts is whether the relationship between Writer and Reader, having lost its effect of supposedly "heart-to-heart" conversation of truthful ideas and experiences, has lost its meaningful essence in this obscurity? The act of putting the very first mark on paper starts diverging from the mind of Writer. While finding its way through editing and translations, even incomplete renditions and physical distortions, does the final sensation or intellectual evocation inspired by a book, particularly fictions, have a purity of form left within itself, hard like the other objective truths of the world, to stand upon?

The author uses ten different stories that come in the Reader's way in his literary pursuit for continuity and his desperation for closure, each stopping as abruptly as they all begin. Through the use of almost magical-realism elements in the form of apocryphal literature existing exactly to challenge the notion of authenticity and originality in the world of fictional literature (and the world of human ideas in general), the author makes you imagine a rebellious organisation exactly to symbolise these grey boundaries that exist in the realm of ideas and creativity, where ownership and purity is an illusion. While it sounds far-fetched as an idea, this book strengthen's its point by bringing the perspective of you, the Reader and Other Readers. How reading can exist just for itself - justifying the escape from truth that it is supposed to provide. Putting imaginary boundaries defeats the purpose of books meant for human mind which is eager to receive them. While the limitation of fiction described above make it sound absurd, the limitlessness of the types of experience that can emerge from every individual's superimposition of their own experiences, and personal meaning that they can derive from fiction, is liberating and empowering. Meanwhile this book also offers the Writer's perspective. It is every human's personal truth that ever inspires anyone to share it through writing. How this quest for creativity in this expression is undoubtedly challenging, but also, as natural as reading is supposed to be.

Calvino achieves all this realisation cleverly by keeping you, the Reader, as the active participant in this tour-de-force. The "I" of the Reader is central, like the theme of the novel, throughout the narrative - the author talks to you and makes you experience the experience of reading his book as he envisions it. In every story-withing-the-story, the Reader goes recursively to every level and further sees the imagination of several imaginary authors through a first-hand experience of various genres and sensations. The incompleteness of several stories make you question your own expectations that are left unfulfilled to you and evaluate the extent of derivations that stories in general could ever provide you. Despite the awareness of everything being a figment of Calvino's imagination in a self-referential manner, it describes its own origins somewhere in the book, making this a lovely mess of how stories move you in their choreography. This is a recommended circus of imagination to witness and a reinforcement of the love for fictions.