A review by aratecla_the_bookrat
Punish by Edmund Stone, Edmund Stone


What an amazing sequel!! Edmund Stone did a fantastic job with the continuation of Harper's story, whom we met in Hurt part of the short story collection Within: A Three Part Horror.

Harper is a witch and after all her family was destroyed by the Hunters she thought she was free but how wrong she was.. The Hunters have been busy in the background, concocting horrible ways to annihilate witches with the help of science..

At the head of the Council of Hunters is Brady, evil and deprecabile man who'd do anything to pursue his objectives.. But greed and hubris will sign his demise. Underestimating Harper's powers and tools at her disposal was a mistake..

I love Harper so much and her character is so well defined that my brain doesn't have any problem believing she exists somewhere. I didn't know how much I missed her and her story until I started reading Punish and now I want more!!

I cannot wait for the sequel as there's a hint for a crossover with another short story of the same collection and I'm so eager to see where that leads!

It's not often that sequels live up to the first installment, but this has surpassed my expectations! Full of emotions, action and enough gore, I know you'll fall in love with Harper and Edmund Stone's writing..

Thanks to the author for a copy and this is my honest review.