A review by gablota
The Deptford Trilogy: Fifth Business/The Manticore/World of Wonders by Robertson Davies


I was really excited for this one, but it was a very bittersweet experience. It was an endless cycle of me wanting to put this book down and never pick it up again just to be completely immersed in the story a few pages later. I feel like I was able to quickly get into each story just to get for the lack of a better word bored somewhere in the middle and then to find it interesting again towards the end and by the end of the last story I was pretty exhausted of reading this book and was looking forward to leaving this universe behind me. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it because I did for most part and it’s definitely well (and beautifully) written, but I feel like a lot of it went over my head and maybe the issue is the fact English isn’t my first language and it took a lot of brain power to get through some of the segments and because of that it wasn’t as enjoyable of a read as it could have been. Maybe the whole reading process would have been more pleasant if I read different books in between the three stories, but I honestly wasn’t sure if I would come back to this book if that was the case.