A review by ashjreads
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare


5/5 stars

I will give you two quotes, one serious and one humorous.

Serious: “We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.”

Humorous: "Straight people," Alec declared. "Why can't they control themselves?"
"It's a mystery," Simon agreed.

If Cassandra Clare can do one thing, it's write a last book in a series. She takes these finales seriously and they seem to do irreparable emotional damage to me. This book had me crying over the "bad guy" dying. I never thought I'd be doing that. C. Clare knows what she's doing and people don't need to look down on her mastery of world building.

I don't know if I have enough words to put them together in the correct order to describe how this made me feel, but I will try. On the last book of a series I tend to do an overall series review added in so, here it is:

I did it, I finished The Mortal Instruments. I feel very accomplished in finishing the 9th Shadowhunter book of the many I will likely read. This book was the last one I had promised myself to when I told Alissa I would read them. The consensus is that I will keep going, but I will take a brief break first. I really didn't think I was going to love these books when I promised myself to it. I kinda thought I had missed the hype of it all and that I was too old. I have decided that one is never too old to enjoy The Shadowhunter Chronicles. It's emotional, humorous, victorious, and heartbreaking and truly is something worth reading (even if I did suffer through too much psuedo incest to get here.)

A break for now but onto the next soon enough...