A review by scythefranz
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton



"There's sickness, and there's sadness. But the thing is, there's love, too. I try never to forget that."

What a shame that I don't have Anything Could Happen anymore in my playlist. This book is somehow inspired by that beautiful song by Ellie Goulding. If I still have that song (I have no idea the song had been vanished in my music library), I'd played it while I'm reading this book.

I felt happiness and the warm in my heart reading Anything Could Happen (like what these kinds of books did to me. Oh, the drama lol). Though, I can't deny the fact that I experienced sadness too because this is not just a happy book. This is more.

This book has a dash of humor and witty dialogues. There is a talk of cancer, of death, suicide, bullying which has been a great incorporation to the story. I am relieved about it since the romance didn't go overboard. Trecth got his time to explore more of his life, and what is life, in general. It is also one of the contemporary novels out there where the family isn't disgruntled so it's quite a change.

So, Tretch fell in love with Matt Gooby, his guy best friend. And reading from Tretch's point of view with all his thoughts and struggles in life made me connect with him; made me admire him. Tretch is an optimistic teenage boy. He really don't mind if someone bullied him at school. I mean, he mind but he didn't make it a big deal. He read classic books. He can sing and dance and he is a fan of Taylor Swift. He thinks a lot. And worries a lot, too. He's a good friend, a good son and a good brother. Yes, he gets jealous when Matt is with Amy but he didn't show it. And sometimes, he's acting childish (but I didn't mind it.)

The list goes on.

There are so many good things to say about Tretch but the best one is what he became in the end: he accepted, realized and learned things in life. And the fact that he's brave to tell his deepest secret.

Anything Could Happen is a poignant novel and one of my favorites coming-of-age book. From the plausible voice of our main character to the family dynamics, I thought this book captured the teenage gay character's life realistically and captured my heart forever.