A review by ninjabunneh
Stiltskin by Andrew Buckley


Ironically, I've been on a dark fairy-tale kick this month. When I saw Stiltskin, I knew I had to snatch it.

Imagine, if you will, there is a world next to ours. One that contains every magical fairy-tale character you've ever learned about as a child. It's called Thiside. Now, take every lovely, warm, fuzzy, cozy memory of all your favorite characters and demolish them with a fucking chainsaw. You have the world of Stiltskin.

In Thiside, there are the kingdoms of Oz, the Beast, and even the Kingdom of Hearts. The Seven Dwarves run a mining corporation, Gnomes act like an army, and everyone tries to get along. Sometimes they don't succeed. There are doorways between Thiside and the human world. Doorways that are closely regulated by the White Rabbit. If creatures from Thiside cross over, they have the ability to cause too much havoc in the human world.

There's also the prison tower, where the criminals and evil-doers reside. It's here that our tale begins. It's in this tower, that Rumplestiltskin and The Mad Hatter hatch a plan. The Hatter will help Rumps escape, as long as Rumps finds Hatter's long lost son. His son who lives in the human world. Hatter wants a family reunion and Rumps wants to destroy the doors. It's a plan made in madness.

Robert Darkly has never had a normal life. Strange things are always occurring. As a child, his toys would vanish and he'd often wake up in strange places. These odd occurrences follow him into adulthood. So, when in the span of one day he loses his job and his girlfriend, finds a dwarf holding a knife in his bathtub, and a gorgeous lady with a fairy in tow knocking on his door, he isn't all that shocked. Robert is the type of guy who isn't a hero. In fact, he's often the one that needs saving.

Lily is the woman at the door. She works for the Agency in Thiside, and she needs to stop Rumps from destroying the doors between worlds. She takes Robert along, knowing who he is. Lily, however, isn't who she appears to be. What follows is a twisty dark tale, one in which Robert may end up going a bit mad.

Now, remember what I said about destroying the fuzzies? In this story, the truths about Belle, Snow White, the Beast, and even Little Red Riding Hood are revealed. It isn't pretty.

Ah, watch out for pixies. They bite.

There is a huge twist at the end, to which I say, well fucking played.
I look forward to what comes next.

4.5 Ninja-Bunnehs-Wearing-Top-Hats

(Arc received in exchange for an honest review. Any quotes used subject to change upon final release)