A review by alex_watkins
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle


A lovely fairy tale. I really enjoy fantasy that explicitly lives without rules and has a sense of whimsy. This is opposed to the minute world-building found in things like LOTR and ASOIAF (and other acronymed book series). Questions like what exactly are the limits of a unicorn's powers? doesn't anyone notice that their is no winter in the unicorn's forest? If a magician can do x in situation y, why doesn't he do x in situation z? What exactly is the universe this is supposed to take place in? None of this matters, the book is magical is doesn't define magic, it is in other words a fairy tale, things happen just because. If this doesn't drive you batty then procede.

The most glaring problem with this book is how bad the cover art is. I mean look at it!

The movie is actually quite faithful to the book as the author also did the screenplay, at least from what I remember, fantastic movie btw.

I have to say I really enjoyed this book, but the unicorn really starts to annoy me. She is such a complainer, boo-hoo I'm mortal, boo-hoo I'm a unicorn again. Like hello there are more important problems like the freaking Red Bull, who is still scary to me.